
Anti-Mage is a fast melee Agility Carry with an emphasis on disabling and killing high-mana enemies. He has notably high agility and low base attack time, giving him high damage and scaling with his basic attacks. His signature ability is Mana Break, a passive attack modifier that makes him a huge threat to mana-reliant heroes, mainly Intelligence-based casters. In addition to granting substantial bonus damage on each attacks, its mana burn sets enemies up to be devastated by his ultimate ability, Mana Void. Blink is a highly versatile ability that allows Anti-Mage to instantly teleport short distances, thereby allowing him to escape, chase, and even farm with ease.

Combined with his high base movement speed, this makes Anti-Mage a highly mobile hero at all points in the game. Spell Shield greatly increases Anti-Mage's magic resistance, allowing him to sustain more damage from enemy casters. Finally, Mana Void finishes off targets after their mana has been burnt, inflicting heavy damage to both the target and enemies surrounding the target. The damage Mana Void can potentially deal scales extremely well into the late game, as enemies' mana pools only grow larger over time. His naturally fast basic attacks combined with his powerful abilities make him extremely dangerous in the late game, allowing him to devastate enemies with ease if he is allowed to farm as a hard carry. The monks of Turstarkuri watched the rugged valleys below their mountain monastery as wave after wave of invaders swept through the lower kingdoms. Ascetic and pragmatic, in their remote monastic eyrie they remained aloof from mundane strife, wrapped in meditation that knew no gods or elements of magic. Then came the Legion of the Dead God, crusaders with a sinister mandate to replace all local worship with their Unliving Lord's poisonous nihilosophy. From a landscape that had known nothing but blood and battle for a thousand years, they tore the souls and bones of countless fallen legions and pitched them against Turstarkuri. The monastery stood scarcely a fortnight against the assault, and the few monks who bothered to surface from their meditations believed the invaders were but demonic visions sent to distract them from meditation. They died where they sat on their silken cushions. Only one youth survived--a pilgrim who had come as an acolyte, seeking wisdom, but had yet to be admitted to the monastery. He watched in horror as the monks to whom he had served tea and nettles were first slaughtered, then raised to join the ranks of the Dead God's priesthood. With nothing but a few of Turstarkuri's prized dogmatic scrolls, he crept away to the comparative safety of other lands, swearing to obliterate not only the Dead God's magic users--but to put an end to magic altogether.

Tangoes help provide Anti-Mage with health regeneration in the early game. A Healing Salve will give Anti-Mage a massive boost of health regeneration. Iron Branches will give Anti-Mage an additional attribute boost in the lane, and can be built into Magic Wand. A Stout Shield will allow Anti-Mage to take a few more hits from enemies when taking last hits in lane. Anti-Mage will often build this in a Poor Man's Shield. Boots of Speed give Anti-Mage a speed boost which can be helpful for getting around. A Magic Stick is a good idea to pick up if the enemy are using a lot of spells since that gives Anti-Mage a lot of regeneration in case of emergency. A Ring of Health provides Anti-Mage with decent HP regeneration in the early game, and can later be built into a Battle Fury. Power Treads provide Anti-Mage with attack speed and attributes, allowing for a substantial increase in damage and durability. A Magic Wand provides Anti-Mage with more attributes and good HP and mana regeneration if the enemy are using a lot of spells. Yasha provides agility and movement speed, and can be built into a Manta Style . A Battle Fury provides Anti-Mage with HP and mana regeneration, and gives Anti-Mage a cleave that allows Anti-Mage to farm faster and push faster. A Town Portal Scroll is always a good idea to have on Anti-Mage at all times, as it allows Anti-Mage to easily escape from enemy ganks if Anti-Mage is out of position.  Manta Style provides attributes that benefit Anti-Mage very well. The illusions benefit from Mana Break, greatly improving Anti-Mage damage, pushing potential and mana-burning capabilities. Additionally, the split allows Anti-Mage to dodge and remove spell effects, which can be useful in combat or when escaping. Abyssal Blade gives Anti-Mage a damage boost, a chance to stun enemies when attacking, and a guaranteed stun that goes through magic immunity. It also gives Anti-Mage a small amount of strength that will increase his health pool. Butterfly offers a very substantial damage boost as Anti-Mage is an agility hero, it also gives Anti-Mage armor, evasion and additional attack speed on top of the attack speed gained from the agility on the item. Heart of Tarrasque increases the health pool of Anti-Mage massively, which gives Anti-Mage a lot more survivability. Vladmir's Offering is the only way for Anti-Mage to have lifesteal since Mana Break is a Unique Attack Modifier. The lifesteal and damage boost benefits both Anti-Mage and his teammates throughout the entire duration of the game.


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